This guide will explain how you link your Class Charts Logon to your Office 365 login in order to use single sign on. This means you only need to remember one logon username and password for all services including Outlook, OneDrive, Teams, SharePoint and now Class Charts.
1. Go to the web site Log in ( and make sure you have selected Teacher as the account you are logging on with.
2. Now enter your logon details the you have been sent for Class Charts.
3. Once you are logged in your need to click on the menu option in the top right hand side of the screen.
4. From the menu that appears you need to click on Account Settings.
5. You will then see the Account Settings page. To link your Class Charts logon with your Office 365 logon you just need to click the green Link with Office 365 button.
6. If you are not logged onto Office 365 yet you will be take to the Microsoft Office 365 logon page and you need to enter your email address and password. If you are logged onto Office 365 already then you will not need to log in and the button should change colour. Once this is complete you should see the button change to Unlink your office 365 account.
7. Once this is all completed and you next want to logon to Class Charts all you need to do is press the Office 365 button. If you see a logon page this will will be your Office 365 details.