If you have a Student or Parent that needs the Activation code to use the Class Charts app please follow this Guide.

Please note, If you are sending it to a parent please check the email address they have asked you to send it too, make sure the email address matches one entered in SIMS or Class Charts. If it does not please do not send the code. Class Charts does contain sensitive data that must not be shared with anyone that does not have parental consent ticked in SIMS.

To find the codes for the parent and student please follow this guide.

   1. Log into Class Charts. Click Here

   2. On the top menu bar please click Pupils

    3.  Find the student you wish to get the information for and click on the report icon to the right of the students name.

   4. When the student report loads your should see a selection of buttons at the top of the screen.  If you press Parent Account or Pupil Account you will be given the code that the user needs.