If you need to find a internal contact to call you have two options.

Option 1 From the web site.

If you have your logon details you can use the online Portal to find a contact. 

   1.You need to goto the following web site https://eggbucklandcc.my3cx.co.uk:5001/webclient and enter your logon and password for your extension. 

    2. You will be then taken to the phonebook for the College.

   3. When you have found the person you wish to call simply click on the call button

   4.The phone that is linked to your account will now dial the extension you have selected. 

Option 2 Use the handset. 

   1. To load a list of contacts on the handset first press the 3CX PB button. this is the second button from the left just below the screen.

    2. Next Press the Enter button, This is the end button just below the screen. 

    3. Now you can scroll though the phonebook for the contact you wish to call using the up and down buttons.

   4. When you have selected the contact you wish to call just press the Call button to place the call.