Sending SIMS Connection information for ICT Support.

Connectivity Diagnostics

  1. Open the Scomis Hosted Application
  2. Before pressing Connect please goto Help at the top of the screen and then click Connectivity Diagnostics
  3. Then click the Start button, When the progress bar in the bottom right hand corner finished then click Copy to Clipboard
  4. Now open the email with your ticket information in it and right hand click and chose Paste. Then send this information off to the technician.


  1. Now go back to the Scomis Hosted Application and again click on Help.
  2. Then click on Open Logfile
  3. Then Connect to SIMS like normal. 
  4. As SIMS Connects a Notepad Windows will open up with some connection information. Please click Edit and then Select All
  5. Then click Edit and Copy
  6. Now go back to the email ticket and Paste the text that you copied and send it back to the technician.