
Blocked email address.
If you are sent an email that maybe a risk to the college it will be filtered and put into a Quarantine. The Baracuda system will then send a email to yours...
Fri, 24 Jun, 2022 at 2:52 PM
Inventry App
If you wish to use the Inventry App on your mobile phone to sign in when on the College Site then please follow the instructions below. Please note, you are...
Wed, 31 Aug, 2022 at 3:15 PM
Install Inventry Console
If you need to use the Inventry Console within your role please follow this guide to use it. 1. Open the "Software Center" from your Start ...
Thu, 24 Nov, 2022 at 10:16 AM
Barracuda Report a missed email attack
To report a missed attack: Use impero to report in to the end users laptop/computer and then follow the guide below. Open Outlook in a web browser. Us...
Fri, 4 Nov, 2022 at 10:16 AM
Apply AutoCAD 2023 License
Please see the below guide for Licensing AutoCAD 2023 on first time use after setup. 1. Open AutoCAD 2023 from the Start Menu. 2. Once loaded if the...
Tue, 7 Feb, 2023 at 12:08 PM
Adding Printer
If you wish to add a printer to your computer or laptop please follow this guide. Please click this link to access the printers on the server Print-Ser...
Thu, 25 May, 2023 at 4:23 PM